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News, New and Expanded Articles

The Holy Bible CHCoG Version (html) - This is the latest revision of the CHCoG translation of the Holy Bible, released on the 7th of July 2024. The New Covenant is based on the Aramaic Peshitta as we are convinced that Aramaic is both the original language of Jeshua and the Apostles and the language the inspired New Covenant was written in. This means that the Greek manuscripts are translations from the Aramaic. The Peshitta respects God's Name and clarifies many previously puzzling passages in the Greek NC. Also available as The Holy Bible CHCoG Version (pdf) and The Holy Bible CHCoG Version (epub)

Chronology of the Crucifixion and Resurrection According to Ancient Texts (html) Blair Newmann quotes a series of ancient texts which indicate their knowledge that Christ was arrested on a Tuesday evening, and thus crucified on the Wednesday, and others that teach that Jesus was resurrected late on the Saturday Sabbath. Also as Chronology of the Crucifixion and Resurrection (pdf) and Chronology of the Crucifixion and Resurrection (epub)

The Great Flood, Part 2 (html) - What events followed the Great Flood during Noah's life? Where did the Ark land? It also looks at many of the objections to the Great Flood and shows evidence that it was a real event which shaped the world we live in. This is Session 6 of the Books of Moses - Fact or Fiction series. Revised 19 May 2024. Also as The Great Flood, Part 2 (pdf) and The Great Flood, Part 2 (epub)

What is the Millennium, and When Will the Millennium Start? (html) What is the Millennium, and why should we look forward to it? How many people are likely to live in it? Is there any evidence that suggests when it is likely to begin? Do Creation Week, Christ's resurrection and God's Annual Holy Days hold any clues as to when it may start? Revised 25 April 2024. Also as What is the Millennium, and When Will the Millennium Start? (pdf) and What is the Millennium, and When Will the Millennium Start? (epub)

Millennium Population Spreadsheet (xlsx) This spreadsheet contains the details explaining the two population graphs shown in the 'What is the Millennium, and When Will the Millennium Start?' One shows the likely human population from Creation to the end of the Millennium, while the second graph highlights the likely number and mix of people living during the Thousand Years of Peace. Released 22 April 2024.

Last Great Day Service (html) The Last Great Day is when Satan is released at the end of the Millennium and then cast into the Lake of Fire, and the rest of mankind is judged by God before the White Throne. Then the heavens and earth are renewed and God's New Jerusalem is brought down for us to live in with Jehovah and Jeshua forever. Revised 14 April 2024. Also as Last Great Day Service (pdf) and Last Great Day Service (epub)

First Great Day of the Feast of Booths Service (htm) This Feast celebrates the liberation and regathering of God's people and the restoration of the Earth, marking the full beginning of the Millennium of Peace. It is also known as the Feast of Ingathering and Tabernacles. Revised 13 April 2024. Also as First Great Day of the Feast of Booths Service (pdf) and First Great Day of the Feast of Booths Service (epub)

Feast of Booths Weekly Sabbath Service (htm) The Millennium is the time between when we are freed from slavery to Satan and when we fully inherit the everlasting Kingdom of God. Today, we will look at what life will be like during that period of healing and Peace. Revised 13 April 2024. Also as Feast of Booths Weekly Sabbath Service (pdf) and Feast of Booths Weekly Sabbath Service (epub)

Days of Awe Sabbath Service (html) These are the days between Shouting and Atonement, during which the people of the world realise that Jeshua is indeed the ruler of earth, and begin considering what that means for them. This service is held on the weekly Sabbath. Revised 9 April 2024. Also as Days of Awe Sabbath Service pdf and Days of Awe Sabbath Service (epub)

Atonement Service (html) Atonement follows the war when Jeshua takes control of the entire world. It is a day of sincere repentance and reconnecting with Jehovah God. It is also the day that Satan will be judged for his crimes and imprisoned. Revised 9 April 2024. Also as Atonement Service pdf and Atonement Service (epub)

Day of Shouting Service (html) Shouting, sometimes called the Day of Trumpets, will be the day of the great Battle at Megiddo (Armageddon) between all the armies of earth's anti-God governments and Jeshua with His followers, both spiritual envoys (angels) and transformed humans. Revised 7 April 2024. Also as Day of Shouting Service (pdf) and Day of Shouting Service (epub)

Pentecost Service (htm) Pentecost, also called Feast of Weeks, is a celebration of the Holy Spirit being given to Jeshua's disciples, symbolised by the wheat harvest and two loaves of bread. It may also be when our Messiah Jeshua returns to glorify His followers and begins setting up God's Millennial Kingdom on the Earth. It is held 50 days after the Wave Offering. Revised 3 April 2024. Also as Pentecost Service (pdf) and Pentecost Service (epub)

Unleavened Bread Final Great Day Service (htm) The last day of Unleavened Bread commemorates the crossing of the Soph (Red) Sea, and thus Israel's freedom from slavery to the Egyptians. It symbolises our freedom from sin and Satan through the death and resurrection of Jeshua. Revised 2 April 2024. Also as Unleavened Bread Final Day Service (pdf) and Unleavened Bread Final Day Service (epub)

The Bloody Theatre or Martyrs Mirror of the Defenseless Christians Volume 1 (html) This is Theilem J. van Braght's History and Beliefs of Biblical Christians who baptized only upon Confession of Faith, and who suffered and died for their testimony of Jesus, their Savior. Volume One covers from the time of Christ to the year A.D. 1500. Revised 30 March, 2024. Also as The Bloody Theatre or Martyrs Mirror Vol 1 (pdf) and The Bloody Theatre or Martyrs Mirror Vol 1 (epub)

The Bloody Theatre or Martyrs Mirror of the Defenseless Christians Volume 2 (html) This is Theilem J. van Braght's History and Beliefs of Biblical Christians who baptized only upon Confession of Faith, and who suffered and died for their testimony of Jesus, their Savior. Volume Two covers from A.D. 1500 to 1660. Revised 1 April, 2024. Also as The Bloody Theatre or Martyrs Mirror Vol 2 (pdf) and The Bloody Theatre or Martyrs Mirror Vol 2 (epub)

God's Calendar and the Sign of Jonah (html) - Jeshua said that He would spend three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Why did He promise to do this, and how did He do it? Jehovah's calendar is the key to proving that Jeshua fulfilled the Sign of Jonah. The article also reveals how the false teachings about the Crucifixion and Resurrection came about. Revised 30th of June 2024. Also as God's Calendar and the Sign of Jonah (pdf) and God's Calendar and the Sign of Jonah (epub)

God's Holy Days Table (html) - Tables of the probable calculated dates for God's Annual Sabbaths from 2019 to 2040. Revised 17 March 2024. Also as God's Holy Days Table (pdf) and God's Holy Days Table (epub)

God's Holy Days for Christians (html) God's Annual Holy Days reveal His Plan of Salvation, helping us understand why the world is in such a mess today, and how God will one day redeem it (and us!). The Appendix shows the history, current practice and future of God's Holy Days and how this affects our faith and actions. Revised 6th April 2024. Also as God's Holy Days for Christians (pdf) and God's Holy Days for Christians (epub)

What is God's Name? (html) - This article shows how our oldest fully vocalised complete Hebrew manuscript, the thousand year old Leningrad Codex B19A, clearly teaches us how to pronounce God's Name. We also examine God's Nickname, the name of His Son and if we should use these names. Revised 13 March 2024 Also as What is God's Name? (pdf) and What is God's Name? (epub)

Peshitta Primacy Considerations (html) Caruso's "Problems" article attempts to discount the idea that the Peshitta is the best version of the New Covenant that we have. Our response to his trivial and/or incorrect criticisms reinforces our conviction that the Aramaic Peshitta manuscripts are the most accurate version of the New Covenant that we have. Released 8 March, 2024. Also as Peshitta Primacy Considerations (pdf) and Peshitta Primacy Considerations (epub)

The Complete Works of Menno Simon Volume 2 (html) Menno Simon was one of the best known Anabaptist writers of the mid 1500s. In this volume Menno responds to criticism from Gellius Faber, John A'Lasco, Zylis and Lemmekes and Martin Micron, as well as expanding on his views of the Triune God, Baptism, Incarnation of Christ, Oaths, the Ban and other topics. Released 18 February, 2024. Also as Complete Works of Menno Simon Vol 2 (pdf) and Complete Works of Menno Simon Vol 2 (epub)

The Israeli-Hamas War (html) - What is likely to happen in Israel and the Gaza Strip in the next few days? (Though it is developing more slowly than we initially thought, the general direction suggested still seems to be correct. And as we are pacifists, we find all war abhorrent.) Released 17 October, 2023. Also available as The Israeli-Hamas War (pdf) and The Israeli-Hamas War (epub)

Climate Change and Christ's Return: Are they Connected? (html) Is burning fossil fuel the real driving force behind our worsening weather and other natural disasters, or is it something else? The Bible reveals that it is Jehovah God who controls these things, and all of this is intimately linked to the Return of Christ. Released 17 September, 2023. Also as Climate Change and Christ's Return (pdf) and Climate Change and Christ's Return (epub)

The Complete Works of Menno Simon Volume 1 (html) Menno Simon was one of the best known Anabaptist writers of the mid 1500s. He taught baptism was only for believers, our need for the indwelling of the Holy spirit, non-violence, obedience to Christ and then secular rulers, separation from the unbiblical myths and traditions of Catholicism and Protestantism and the exclusion of unrepentant sinners from their congregations. Revised 19 January, 2024. Also as Complete Works of Menno Simon Vol 1 (pdf) and Complete Works of Menno Simon Vol 1 (epub)

Jeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) - Is He the Son of God or Part of a Trinity? (html) - Explores the relationships between God the Father, our Lord Jeshua the Messiah, the Holy Spirit and us. Revised 30th of June, 2024. Also as Jeshua, the Son of God (pdf) and Jeshua, the Son of God (epub)

John de Wycliffe, English Father of the Reformers (html) Robert Vaughan's definitive biography of John de Wycliffe (written 1853), who dared to challenge the greed of the Roman Catholic clergy in England, condemning their corruption and sloth. He claimed only scriptural doctrines should be observed, and openly rejected the catholic hierarchy, transubstantiation, etc. Wickliffe also made the first English translation of the Bible in 1383. Revised 31 May 2023. Also as John de Wycliffe (pdf) and John de Wycliffe (epub)

The New Book of Martyrs, or Christian Martyrology (html) Henry Southwell's Martyrology (1793) is an updated Foxe's Book of Martyrs, presenting a unique record of Christian history which has largely been erased from secular sources. It reminds us of the price paid by our predecessors in Christ to preserve God's Word and the True Way of Faith. Revised 25 June 2023. Also as The New Book of Martyrs (pdf) and The New Book of Martyrs (epub)

Estimates of the Number Killed by the Papacy in the Middle Ages and Later (html) David Plaisted follows various paths to determine how many people have been murdered by the Roman Catholic Church. Every method yields numbers in the millions. Revised 14 May 2023. Also as Estimates of the Number Killed by the Papacy (pdf) and Estimates of the Number Killed by the Papacy (epub)

Everlasting Life is God's Gift! (html) - Does the Bible teach that you have everlasting life? What will happen to you when you die? Will there be a resurrection from the dead? What must you do to receive everlasting life? Revised 5th March 2023. Also as Everlasting Life (pdf) and Everlasting Life (epub)

Free to Obey God (html) - Jeshua (Jesus) has freed us from our body of sin and death. Now we can at last truly love God and His Instructions. This article shows us what the Bible teaches about how to avoid both legalism and lawlessness and joyfully walk that narrow path that leads to everlasting life. Revised 25 June 2023. Also as Free to Obey God (pdf) and Free to Obey God (epub)

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Biblical Christianity

This section reflects our understanding of Bible-based Christianity. We have roughly arranged the articles from essential basics to more complex topics, and some topics are dealt with in other sections of our website.

The Holy Bible CHCoG Version (html) - This is the latest revision of the CHCoG translation of the Holy Bible, released on the 7th of July 2024. The New Covenant is based on the Aramaic Peshitta as we are convinced that Aramaic is both the original language of Jeshua and the Apostles and the language the inspired New Covenant was written in. This means that the Greek manuscripts are translations from the Aramaic. The Peshitta respects God's Name and clarifies many previously puzzling passages in the Greek NC. Also available as The Holy Bible CHCoG Version (pdf) and The Holy Bible CHCoG Version (epub)

Everlasting Life is God's Gift! (html) - Does the Bible teach that you have everlasting life? What will happen to you when you die? Will there be a resurrection from the dead? What must you do to receive everlasting life? Revised 5th March 2023. Also as Everlasting Life (pdf) and Everlasting Life (epub)

The Ten Commandments (html) - Explains how the Ten Commandments guide us in our relationships with God, our family and our neighbours, and shows how obedience to Jehovah's Instructions would result in true civilization. Revised 29 September 2022. Also as The Ten Commandments (pdf) and The Ten Commandments (epub)

Eastern Meditation and Jesus Christ: Are They Compatible? (html) - Recounts the experiences of a member of CHCoG who became a Christian while practising Eastern Meditation. Revised 3rd November 2020. Also as Eastern Meditation and Jesus Christ (pdf) and Eastern Meditation and Jesus Christ (epub)

Sex, God and Families (html) - This document exposes the dangers of sexual promiscuity and outlines the benefits to you, your family and your society from following God's sexual principles. Revised 15 September 2022. Also as Sex, God and Families (pdf) and Sex, God and Families (epub)

Free to Obey God (html) - Jeshua has freed us from our body of sin and death. Now we can at last truly love God and His Instructions. This article shows us what the Bible teaches about how to avoid both legalism and lawlessness and joyfully walk that narrow path that leads to everlasting life. Revised 25 June 2023. Also as Free to Obey God (pdf) and Free to Obey God (epub)

The Gift of Salvation (html) - Charles Chiniquy, a well-known priest in the Roman Catholic Church for 25 years, briefly recounts his experiences that led him to God's Gift of Salvation. Revised 16 November 2020. Also as The Gift of Salvation (pdf) and The Gift of Salvation (epub)

The Heart of God's Character and God's Instructions (html) This simple chart clearly shows that God's Instructions have originated in God's Heart, and are based on love. Also as The Heart of God's Character and God's Instructions (pdf) and The Heart of God's Character and God's Instructions (epub)

Climate Change and Christ's Return: Are they Connected? (html) Is burning fossil fuel the real driving force behind our worsening weather and other natural disasters, or is it something else? The Bible reveals that it is Jehovah God who controls these things, and all of this is intimately linked to the Return of Christ. Released 17 September, 2023. Also as Climate Change and Christ's Return (pdf) and Climate Change and Christ's Return (epub)

Christian Environmental Ethics (html) - What responsibilities and rights has God given to us in respect to the world we live on? Are we to cherish the animals we share it with, or exploit them? Revised 21 November 2020. Also as Christian Environmental Ethics (pdf) and Christian Environmental Ethics (epub)

The Sabbath in Scripture (html) - Why did God create the Sabbath? Which Day is the Sabbath? Does God still want us to observe it? Is it just for Jews? Revised 15 September 2022. Also as The Sabbath in Scripture (pdf) and The Sabbath in Scripture (epub)

Rome's Challenge: Why do Protestants Keep Sunday? (html) - This is a reprint of four articles originally published in the Catholic Mirror over one hundred years ago. The author shows that there is no scriptural basis for accepting the first day of the week as the Christian Sabbath. They claim that the only basis for the change from the seventh day Sabbath is found in the traditions of their Catholic Church, so if Protestants accept their change in the Day of Worship, they must also accept the authority of the Popes in all things to be consistent. Revised 13th of September 2022. Also as Rome's Challenge (pdf) and Rome's Challenge (epub)

God's Holy Days for Christians (html) God's Annual Holy Days reveal His Plan of Salvation, helping us understand why the world is in such a mess today, and how God will one day redeem it (and us!). The Appendix shows the history, current practice and future of God's Holy Days and how this affects our faith and actions. Revised 6th April 2024. Also as God's Holy Days for Christians (pdf) and God's Holy Days for Christians (epub)

God's Calendar and the Sign of Jonah (html) - Jeshua said that He would spend three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Why did He promise to do this, and how did He do it? Jehovah's calendar is the key to proving that Jeshua fulfilled the Sign of Jonah. The article also reveals how the false teachings about the Crucifixion and Resurrection came about. Revised 30th of June 2024. Also as God's Calendar and the Sign of Jonah (pdf) and God's Calendar and the Sign of Jonah (epub)

God's Holy Days Table (html) - Tables of the probable calculated dates for God's Annual Sabbaths from 2019 to 2040. Revised 17 March 2024. Also as God's Holy Days Table (pdf) and God's Holy Days Table (epub)

Jeshua's Impalement-Resurrection Scenarios (html) - Did Jeshua keep the Sign of Jonah, spending three days and three nights in the tomb? When was Jeshua impaled (crucified) - on a Wednesday, Thursday or Friday? And when did He rise from the house of the dead - Saturday evening or Sunday morning? (Extracts from God's Calendar and the Sign of Jonah) Also as Jeshua's Impalement-Resurrection Scenarios (pdf) and Jeshua's Impalement-Resurrection Scenarios (epub)

What is God's Name? (html) - This article shows how our oldest fully vocalised complete Hebrew manuscript, the thousand year old Leningrad Codex B19A, clearly teaches us how to pronounce God's Name. We also examine God's Nickname, the name of His Son and if we should use these names. Revised 13 March 2024 Also as What is God's Name? (pdf) and What is God's Name? (epub)

Tongues and the Gifts of God (html) - What is the Gift of Tongues? Why did God give us the Gifts of the Spirit? Does God intend us to use His Gifts today? Revised 17th November 2022. Also as Tongues and the Gifts of God (pdf) and Tongues and the Gifts of God (epub)

My Everything For My God (html) - This Daily Devotional is based on 'My Utmost for His Highest' by Oswald Chambers. It retains all that is delightful and praiseworthy in Oswald's version, and will help you grow in your faith and walk with Jehovah our God and His Anointed Son Jesus. Revised 17 September 2022. Also as My Everything For My God (pdf) and My Everything For My God (epub)

Jeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) - Is He the Son of God or Part of a Trinity? (html) - Explores the relationships between God the Father, our Lord Jeshua the Messiah, the Holy Spirit and us. Revised 30th of June, 2024. Also as Jeshua, the Son of God (pdf) and Jeshua, the Son of God (epub)

Spirit, Soul and Body (html) - What does the Bible teach about the nature of human beings? Are we like God? Do we have a soul or are we a soul? Do animals have souls? What is our spirit? What happens when we die? Revised 15 September 2022. Also as Spirit, Soul and Body (pdf) and Spirit, Soul and Body (epub)

Chronology of the Crucifixion and Resurrection According to Ancient Texts (html) Blair Newmann quotes a series of ancient texts which indicate their knowledge that Christ was arrested on a Tuesday evening, and thus crucified on the Wednesday, and others that teach that Jesus was resurrected late on the Saturday Sabbath. Also as Chronology of the Crucifixion and Resurrection (pdf) and Chronology of the Crucifixion and Resurrection (epub)

Peshitta Primacy Considerations (html) Caruso's "Problems" article attempts to discount the idea that the Peshitta is the best version of the New Covenant that we have. Our response to his trivial and/or incorrect criticisms reinforces our conviction that the Aramaic Peshitta manuscripts are the most accurate version of the New Covenant that we have. Released 8 March, 2024. Also as Peshitta Primacy Considerations (pdf) and Peshitta Primacy Considerations (epub)

Children- Things We Throw Away? (html) An honest look at abortion and its effects on the mother and yet to be born baby. (By Melody Green Sievright) Also as Children- Things We Throw Away? (pdf) and Children- Things We Throw Away? (epub)

What Does It Mean to Be a Christian Father? (html) - Mo Mulla presents five Biblical principles that a Christian father should carry with him and build his parenting around. Released 27 April 2021. Also as What Does It Mean to Be a Christian Father? (pdf) and What Does It Mean to Be a Christian Father? (epub)

The Catholic Chronicles, Parts 1 to 4 (html) by Keith Green. Topics cover: Eating the Flesh of Deity - What is the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation? Jesus Dies Again - What is the Catholic doctrine of the Sacrifice of the Mass? Salvation According to Rome - What are the Catholic teachings on Salvation and Penance? Has Rome reformed? - What did Vatican II really change? Revised 3rd November 2020. Also as The Catholic Chronicles (pdf) and The Catholic Chronicles (epub)

Our Earth, is it Flat or Spherical? And is it Stationary or in Motion? (html) This article analyses the main Biblical and Scientific arguments relating to various Flat and Spherical models for the Earth. Many of the flat earth arguments are taken from Jeremy James's True Cosmology article, while many of the stationary spherical earth arguments are from J. Moorman's The Biblical and Observational Case for Geocentricity. Their models are examined in greater depth than is commonly seen, revealing that Jehovah God does not require us to believe in either a flat or stationary earth and that both their Biblical and scientific understanding are fatally flawed. Epub revised 24 Aug 2022. Also as Our Earth, is it Flat or Spherical? And is it Stationary or in Motion? (pdf) and Our Earth, is it Flat or Spherical? And is it Stationary or in Motion? (epub)

The Age of the Earth (html) - How old is the Earth? What do the Bible and Science have to say about this issue? An excellent introduction by David Reeve. Revised 5 December 2020. The Age of the Earth (pdf) and The Age of the Earth (epub)

Dinosaurs and Their Creator (html) - Who created the dinosaurs - God or Satan? What are the dragons mentioned in the Bible? What are the behemoth and leviathan? This article answers these questions and shows some links between them. Revised 25th November 2020. Also as Dinosaurs and Their Creator (pdf) and Dinosaurs and Their Creator (epub)

Radiocarbon Dating: Its Limitations and Usefulness (html) - Shows how changes in radioactive carbon ratios can drastically alter radioactive dates. The technical aspects are clearly explained. Revised 11 September 2022. Radiocarbon Dating (pdf) and Radiocarbon Dating (epub)

Waldenses Confession of Faith 1544 (html) This remarkable Confession of Faith from the Waldenses, recorded in 1544, and its referenced original Apostles Creed, have likely both been handed down from late Apostolic times. They remain as solid a declaration of belief today as they were then. Released 25 December 2022. Also as Waldenses Confession of Faith 1544 (pdf) and Waldenses Confession of Faith 1544 (epub)

Animals in the Bible: Are They Intelligent and Relational Beings? (html) - What does the Bible teach? Does God love His animals, and how should we treat them? Are they intelligent and responsible for their decisions? Revised 23 October 2022. Also as Animals in the Bible (pdf) and Animals in the Bible (epub)

Clean and Unclean Animals from a Christian Viewpoint (html) Many Christians believe that God has removed His prohibition on eating unclean meats, such as pig and shellfish. But what does the Bible teach? What is the difference between clean, unclean and defiled? Why would God prohibit some animals as food? Revised 22nd September 2022. Also as Clean and Unclean Animals (pdf) and Clean and Unclean Animals (epub)

The Complete Works of Menno Simon Volume 1 (html) Menno Simon was one of the best known Anabaptist writers of the mid 1500s. He taught baptism was only for believers, our need for the indwelling of the Holy spirit, non-violence, obedience to Christ and then secular rulers, separation from the unbiblical myths and traditions of Catholicism and Protestantism and the exclusion of unrepentant sinners from their congregations. Revised 19 January, 2024. Also as Complete Works of Menno Simon Vol 1 (pdf) and Complete Works of Menno Simon Vol 1 (epub)

The Complete Works of Menno Simon Volume 2 (html) Menno Simon was one of the best known Anabaptist writers of the mid 1500s. In this volume Menno responds to criticism from Gellius Faber, John A'Lasco, Zylis and Lemmekes and Martin Micron, as well as expanding on his views of the Triune God, Baptism, Incarnation of Christ, Oaths, the Ban and other topics. Released 18 February, 2024. Also as Complete Works of Menno Simon Vol 2 (pdf) and Complete Works of Menno Simon Vol 2 (epub)

Communication With the Dead - Truth or Dangerous Deception? (html) Is it possible to communicate with the dead? What are mediums and channellers really doing? Are Ouija boards and seances safe? What does God, through the Bible, reveal about these practices and the state of the dead? Revised 23rd November 2020. Also as Communication With the Dead (pdf) and Communication With the Dead (epub)

The Origin and History of the Doctrine of Endless Punishment (html) - This abridged and edited PDF version of Thomas Thayer's classic book reveals how Endless Punishment became part of what many churches teach, despite it being contrary to the Bible and the true nature of Jehovah God as revealed in the Bible. The edits (by CHCoG) show how Thayer's Universal Salvation, at the opposite extreme to endless punishment, also distorts the teachings of the Bible. Revised 13 January 2021. Also as The Doctrine of Endless Punishment (pdf) and The Doctrine of Endless Punishment (epub)

The Real Meaning of Lazarus and the Rich Man (html) Ernest Martin presents a thought-provoking explanation of the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man given by Jeshua in Luke 16:19 to 31. Revised 5 December 2020. Also as The Real Meaning of Lazarus and the Rich Man (pdf) and The Real Meaning of Lazarus and the Rich Man (epub)

A History of the True Church (html) - Dugger and Dodd's History tracks God's true church from the death of Jesus (Jeshua) through into the twentieth century, showing how Jeshua's disciples preserved His teachings from generation to generation, despite often violent persecution. It also shows how their opponents, led by the Roman 'church', corrupted their own beliefs. Our edition, released 11 October 2020. Also as A History of the True Church (pdf) and A History of the True Church (epub)

The Two Babylons or The Papal Worship Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife (html) - Hislop clearly and comprehensively demonstrates that essentially all aspects of Roman Catholicism are Pagan, and the Pope is indeed the Supreme Pontiff of the Babylonian Mystery Religion exposed in Revelations, disguised with only a very thin veneer of Christian sounding names. Epub revised 21 Aug 2022. Also as The Two Babylons (pdf) and The Two Babylons (epub)

The International Date Line and God's Sabbaths (html) - Did God establish our International Date Line? Could the IDL be diverting you from observing God's Sabbaths on the correct days? An important and thought-provoking article written by Samuel V. Mercado, with an Appendix by CHCoG. Revised 26th November 2020. Also as The International Date Line and God's Sabbaths (pdf) and The International Date Line and God's Sabbaths (epub)

Homosexuality: A Christian Perspective (html) What does the Bible teach about homosexuality? How does one become a homosexual? How can Christ, and you, help a homosexual? (By Mark Copeland) Revised 16 August 2022. Also as Homosexuality (pdf) and Homosexuality (epub)

Beliefs of the Central Highlands Congregation of God (html) - Our Statement of Beliefs: What does the Bible teach? Also as Beliefs of the CHCoG pdf and Beliefs of the CHCoG (epub)

The Eucharist: The Bread and The Wine (html) The Bible says the Eucharist is essential to our Salvation. It also has quite a bit to say about bread, leavened and unleavened, as well as wine. Wine is discussed as a desirable drink at a wedding or feast, but the Bible also warns us about the dangers of drunkeness and alcoholism. So should we use wine for communion or not? Revised 26 March 2024. Also as The Eucharist (pdf) and The Eucharist (epub)

John de Wycliffe, English Father of the Reformers (html) Robert Vaughan's definitive biography of John de Wycliffe (written 1853), who dared to challenge the greed of the Roman Catholic clergy in England, condemning their corruption and sloth. He claimed only scriptural doctrines should be observed, and openly rejected the catholic hierarchy, transubstantiation, etc. Wickliffe also made the first English translation of the Bible in 1383. Revised 31 May 2023. Also as John de Wycliffe (pdf) and John de Wycliffe (epub)

The Bloody Theatre or Martyrs Mirror of the Defenseless Christians Volume 1 (html) This is Theilem J. van Braght's History and Beliefs of Biblical Christians who baptized only upon Confession of Faith, and who suffered and died for their testimony of Jesus, their Savior. Volume One covers from the time of Christ to the year A.D. 1500. Revised 30 March, 2024. Also as The Bloody Theatre or Martyrs Mirror Vol 1 (pdf) and The Bloody Theatre or Martyrs Mirror Vol 1 (epub)

The Bloody Theatre or Martyrs Mirror of the Defenseless Christians Volume 2 (html) This is Theilem J. van Braght's History and Beliefs of Biblical Christians who baptized only upon Confession of Faith, and who suffered and died for their testimony of Jesus, their Savior. Volume Two covers from A.D. 1500 to 1660. Revised 1 April, 2024. Also as The Bloody Theatre or Martyrs Mirror Vol 2 (pdf) and The Bloody Theatre or Martyrs Mirror Vol 2 (epub)

The New Book of Martyrs, or Christian Martyrology (html) Henry Southwell's Martyrology (1793) is an updated Foxe's Book of Martyrs, presenting a unique record of Christian history which has largely been erased from secular sources. It reminds us of the price paid by our predecessors in Christ to preserve God's Word and the True Way of Faith. Revised 25 June 2023. Also as The New Book of Martyrs (pdf) and The New Book of Martyrs (epub)

Resolving the Passover Controversy (pdf) Sanford Beattie presents clear Biblical and historical evidence that the Passover, like Jeshua, was correctly sacrificed in the afternoon of the 14th of Abib, rather than at the start of the 14th as some believe. Also critiques Coulter's The Christian Passover. Revised 6 February 2022. Also as Resolving the Passover Controversy (pdf) and Resolving the Passover Controversy (epub)

Forty Years in the Church of Christ (html) - by C. Chiniquy. His summary of the last forty years of his life, dedicated to freeing God's people from bondage in the pagan Church of Rome. New 28th December 2020. Also as Forty Years in the Church of Christ (pdf) and Forty Years in the Church of Christ (epub)

Rudolf Steiner - Is he God's Prophet? (html) - Rudolf Steiner developed Biodynamic farming and Steiner (Waldorf) educational theory. He also wrote extensively on the Bible and claimed to be God's Prophet. Does the Bible confirm his self-appointed status as a prophet? Revised 18 July 2022. Also as Rudolf Steiner - Is he God's Prophet? (pdf) and Rudolf Steiner - Is he God's Prophet? (epub)

How to End the Terrorist Attacks (html) - Why has God allowed terrorist attacks to succeed and why have we, so far, refused to do what is necessary to end these attacks? Revised 20 August 2020. Also as How to End the Terrorist Attacks (pdf) and How to End the Terrorist Attacks (epub)

Will the Earth be Desolate during the Millennium? (html) - Scripture shows that all our cities will be destroyed during the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord. But will the earth be restored or left desolate during the Millennium? Revised 24th November 2020. Also as Will the Earth be Desolate (pdf) and Will the Earth be Desolate (epub)

What is the Millennium, and When Will the Millennium Start? (html) What is the Millennium, and why should we look forward to it? How many people are likely to live in it? Is there any evidence that suggests when it is likely to begin? Do Creation Week, Christ's resurrection and God's Annual Holy Days hold any clues as to when it may start? Revised 25 April 2024. Also as What is the Millennium, and When Will the Millennium Start? (pdf) and What is the Millennium, and When Will the Millennium Start? (epub)

Millennium Population Spreadsheet (xlsx) This spreadsheet contains the details explaining the two population graphs shown in the 'What is the Millennium, and When Will the Millennium Start?' One shows the likely human population from Creation to the end of the Millennium, while the second graph highlights the likely number and mix of people living during the Thousand Years of Peace. Released 22 April 2024.

The Irrational Atheist (html) Vox Day thoroughly demonstrates that the anti-God/anti-religion arguments of modern atheists are not only illogical, but can be easily proven to be factually wrong. He gleefully dissects the vacuous arguments of Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett and Michel Onfray. Vox reveals that atheism has resulted in more intolerance and mass murder than any religion known to man. Revised 7 January 2023. Also as The Irrational Atheist (pdf) and The Irrational Atheist (epub)

Aramaic Peshitta NC in Ashuri (html) - This is a complete Unicode conversion of Ewan MacLeod's fully pointed Aramaic Peshitta New Covenant in the Ashuri square script, based on the classic British Foreign Bible Society's 1905 edition. It is also the basis of our New Covenant translation at chcpublications.net. Conversion is completed to Hebrews. Updated 6 July 2022. Also as Aramaic Peshitta NC in Ashuri (pdf) and Aramaic Peshitta NC in Ashuri (epub)

Scientific, Ethical and Biblical Considerations of Genetic Engineering (html) - God's Law shows that virtually all genetic engineering is contrary to His commandments. Scientific and ethical reasoning indicates that any broad-acre use of GMOs is premature and potentially disastrous. Also as Considerations of Genetic Engineering (pdf) and Considerations of Genetic Engineering (epub)

The Daystar's Fall and the Age of the Earth (html) - Was there a universe and earth that existed before Creation Week? And if so, did the Daystar (Satan) fall before Adam and Eve were created? Do the Gap or Day-Age Theories work? What does the Bible teach? Epub revised 21 Aug 2022. Also as The Daystar's Fall (pdf) and The Daystar's Fall (epub)

Is God's Calendar Observational or Based on Conjunction and Equinox Calculations? (html) Does a calendar using only the conjunction to start each month and the conjunction closest to the vernal equinox accurately find the days of God's Calendar, and thus place the Annual Holy Days on the correct dates? This analysis clearly shows that only an observation based Biblical calendar can do that, and this calculated calendar fails dismally. Revised 5th October 2022. Also as God's Calendar: Observed or Calculated? (pdf) and God's Calendar: Observed or Calculated? (epub)

Genetics: Enemy of Evolution (html) Does Mendelian genetics support the hypothesis of evolution, or is it in greater harmony with the hypothesis of Creation? (By Lane Lester, Ph.D.) Also as Genetics: Enemy of Evolution (pdf) and Genetics: Enemy of Evolution (epub)

Playing God in the Garden Michael Pollan wrote this article for The New York Times Sunday Magazine on genetically engineered potatoes in 1998. It remains a clear message of the dangers of GMOs.

The Heavens Declare Lyrics (html) Andrew Hodkinson's English lyrics for his beautiful worship CD, The Heavens Declare, are in this file, including The Heavens Declare, Blessed is the Man, Yehovah Reigns, Praise God in the Sanctuary, I Will Lift up my Eyes to the Hills, Hallelujah and By the Rivers of Babylon. Released 26 December 2021. Also as The Heavens Declare Lyrics (pdf) and The Heavens Declare Lyrics (epub)

The Proposed "Fixed Easter" Calendar (html) This article analyses the likely motives behind the renewed push for a "fixed" Easter calendar. Why are the Roman Catholic based churches working together to 'authorise' a new way to calculate their dates for Easter? The results of the changes indicate that their most likely motive is their hatred of Jehovah God and His true Holy Days. Also as The Proposed "Fixed Easter" Calendar (pdf)

Is the Full Moon a part of God's Biblical Calendar? (html) - Many Churches of God teach and believe that the Full Moon has a role in God's Calendar. They claim that the 15th of Abib and 15th of Tishri must always fall on the full moon. They also claim that the Judaic Rabbinical calendar of Hillel ensures this happens. Are all, or even any, of these claims true? Revised 12 April 2021. The Full Moon and God's Biblical Calendar (pdf) and The Full Moon and God's Biblical Calendar (epub)

Ecumenism, Celibacy and Mary? Unity on what basis? (html) Is there scriptural support for these Roman Catholic teachings? This exchange of newspaper letters shows that the Bible actually denies these doctrines.

Is There a Biblical Basis for WCG's rejection of God's Holy Days? (html) An exchange of letters between Rod Matthews and Bruce Armstrong which examines articles by Joseph Tkatch and Michael Feazell. The letters show that WCG's new Protestant position is based on clever rhetoric, not Biblical Truth.

The Doom of Today's Towns and Cities and Harmageddon - Free Book Offer: CHC Publications have been given a number of copies of John Quincy Adams' book, written in 1936. Adams presents an interesting interpretation linking events of the Great Depression with Bible Prophecy and predicts the Second World War, though he did expect it to lead directly to Christ's Return. Contact us for a free copy.

The Beasts of Daniel and Revelation (html) - Bible prophesy contains several graphic descriptions of powerful, grotesque beasts. Who, or what, do they represent? It is possible that they may have a major impact on our lives in the near future? Being rewritten. May be available soon.

Biblical Chronology (html) - This document is a proposed Biblical timeline from Creation until Christ's Return. -It is currently being reviewed and revised.

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The Books of Moses -Fact or Fiction? Series
Examining Some of the Greatest Miracles in Genesis and Exodus

Origin of the Universe and Our Earth (html) - How did Earth and our Universe Originate? Both the Biblical and Big Bang Models are presented. Evidence for and against the models is also presented. This is Session 1 of the Books of Moses - Fact or Fiction series. Revised 25th September 2022. Also as Origin of the Universe and Our Earth (pdf) and Origin of the Universe and Our Earth (epub)

Origin of Life (html) - How did Life Originate on Earth? Both the Biblical Special Creation and Evolutionary Neo-Darwinian Models are presented. The Biblical Model covers the creation of plants, aquatic and flying organisms, while the Evolutionary model investigates the Origin of the First Cell. Evidence for and against the models is also presented. This is Session 2 of the Books of Moses - Fact or Fiction series. Revised 30th September 2022. Also as Origin of Life (pdf) and Origin of Life (epub)

Mankind and Evolution of Life (html) - How did complex life, including humans, originate on Earth? Both the Biblical and Evolutionary Models are presented. The Biblical Model covers the creation of land animals and the first man and woman, while the Evolutionary model investigates what is required for their First Cell to evolve into complex organisms. Evidence for and against the models is presented. This is Session 3 of the Books of Moses - Fact or Fiction series. Revised 4 October 2022. Also as Mankind and Evolution of Life (pdf) and Mankind and Evolution of Life (epub)

The Fall of Creation (html) - What is the Fall of Creation on Earth, and what was its Impact? The Biblical Account is presented, including sin, death and the banishing of Adam and Chavvah (Eve) from the Garden of Eden. How does Evolution account for Kindness? Evidence for and against these accounts are presented. This is Session 4 of the Books of Moses - Fact or Fiction series. Revised 2 October 2022. Also as The Fall of Creation (pdf) and The Fall of Creation (epub)

The Great Flood, Part 1 (html) - Was there a Great Flood during Noah's life? The Biblical Account explains why there was a Great Flood, Noah's role in it and the extent of the Flood. This session ends with Noah and the animals leaving the Ark after the Flood. This is Session 5 of the Books of Moses - Fact or Fiction series. Revised 3 October 2022. Also as The Great Flood, Part 1 (pdf) and The Great Flood, Part 1 (epub)

The Great Flood, Part 2 (html) - What events followed the Great Flood during Noah's life? Where did the Ark land? It also looks at many of the objections to the Great Flood and shows evidence that it was a real event which shaped the world we live in. This is Session 6 of the Books of Moses - Fact or Fiction series. Revised 19 May 2024. Also as The Great Flood, Part 2 (pdf) and The Great Flood, Part 2 (epub)

Shinar, Nimrod and the Tower of Babel (html) - What did mankind do after the Flood? Where is the Plain of Shinar and where was Nimrod's first Kingdom, including the location of the Tower of Babel? Why did God intervene and create a myriad of new Languages? This is Session 7 of the Books of Moses - Fact or Fiction series. Revised 8th October 2022. Also as Shinar, Nimrod and the Tower of Babel (pdf) and Shinar, Nimrod and the Tower of Babel (epub)

The Exodus from Egypt (html) - Historical and Scientific information relating to the Israelites' Exodus from Egypt is presented, analysing several proposed pathways to Midian, including crossing the Red Sea. This is Session 8 of the Books of Moses - Fact or Fiction series. Revised 8th October 2022. Also as The Exodus from Egypt (pdf) and The Exodus from Egypt (epub)

To Mount Sinai and God's Instructions (html) - After crossing the Soph Sea (Gulf of Aqaba), where did the Israelites go until their arrival at Mount Sinai, and where is it? This article includes Jehovah God giving them His Instructions there. Historical and Geographical information is presented, some of it new and previously unpublished. This is Session 9 of the Books of Moses - Fact or Fiction series. Revised 8 October 2022. To Mount Sinai and God's Instructions (pdf) and To Mount Sinai and God's Instructions (epub)

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Is There Salvation in the Roman Catholic Church?

The Roman Catholic Church remains the largest and most influential organisation on Earth. It claims that Salvation is only possible within its embrace. But the following articles prove, beyond any doubt, that the truth is the opposite: There is NO salvation possible within its embrace. All its offers of eternal life are empty lies designed to turn their followers into slaves. Virtually all of its doctrines are twisted corruptions of Biblical Christianity which are a mere veneer over Catholicism's pagan Babylonian core, confirmed by their actual practices.
These articles lay bare many of the papacy's elaborate corruptions. Our articles listed in the Appendix in "Fifty Years in the Church of Rome" reveal yet other deadly Papal perversions of the truth.
We urge Catholics to read these articles and pray that you will be set free from Rome's lies, manipulation and exploitation. We urge Bible-believing Christians to read these articles so they can more clearly understand how the Bible's truths have been perverted, and more vigorously embrace and share the Truth.

The Gift of Salvation (html) - Charles Chiniquy, a well-known priest in the Roman Catholic Church for 25 years, briefly recounts his experiences that led him to God's Gift of Salvation. Revised 16 November 2020. Also as The Gift of Salvation (pdf) and The Gift of Salvation (epub)

Ignatius's Spiritual Exercises and the Bible (html) This article quotes Ignatius of Loyola's writings and the Bible, showing that his goal is to make his followers utterly submissive to the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic church, revealing his complete contempt for the teachings of Christ, who offers us liberty and truth. Released 16 February 2023. Also as Ignatius's Spiritual Exercises and the Bible (pdf) and Ignatius's Spiritual Exercises and the Bible (epub)

The Papacy is the Antichrist (html) - This booklet by J. A. Wylie demonstrates beyond any doubt that the papacy is the perfect fit for the Man of Sin, Son of Destruction and the Mystery of Iniquity, the Great Prostitute of Babylon as prophesied in the Bible and shown by history. Released 21 May 2021. Also as The Papacy is the Antichrist (pdf) and The Papacy is the Antichrist (epub)

The Priest, The Woman and The Confessional (html) - This is Charles Chiniquy's indepth expose of the Roman Church's dangerous and corrupt Auricular Confessional system. After working for 25 years as a RC priest, it is a topic he knows all too well. He shows that it is fundamentally unbiblical, and destroys both the priests and their penitents. Revised 5th March 2023. Also as The Priest, The Woman and The Confessional (pdf) and The Priest, The Woman and The Confessional (epub)

The Two Babylons or The Papal Worship Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife (html) - Hislop clearly and comprehensively demonstrates that essentially all aspects of Roman Catholicism are Pagan, and the Pope is indeed the Supreme Pontiff of the Babylonian Mystery Religion exposed in Revelations, disguised with only a very thin veneer of Christian sounding names. Epub revised 21 Aug 2022. Also as The Two Babylons (pdf) and The Two Babylons (epub)

The Vatican's Holocaust: Religious Massacre in the 20th Century (html) By Avro Manhattan. A detailed account of the Catholic Ustashi's ethnic and religious 'cleansing' of the Independent State of Croatia during the Second World War. They were the most horrifying religious massacres of the 20th century. Startling revelations of forced conversions of Orthodox Serbians, mass murder of non-Catholic Serbs, Gypsies and Jews; Catholic Ustashi-run extermination camps, Catholic clergy as commanders of concentration camps; documented with names, dates, places, pictures and eyewitness testimony. Revised 20th October 2021. Also as The Vatican's Holocaust (pdf) and The Vatican's Holocaust (epub)

Estimates of the Number Killed by the Papacy in the Middle Ages and Later (html) David Plaisted follows various paths to determine how many people have been murdered by the Roman Catholic Church. Every method yields numbers in the millions. Revised 14 May 2023. Also as Estimates of the Number Killed by the Papacy (pdf) and Estimates of the Number Killed by the Papacy (epub)

Vietnam: Why Did We Go? A Religious Beginning to an Unholy War (html) Avro Manhattan outlines the Catholic Church's attempts to control Vietnam, using France and then the United States as military muscle to support their chosen dictator, Diem, as they tried to supress the communists and Buddhists in Vietnam and convert it into a Roman Catholic empire. Epub Revised 21st August 2022. Also as Vietnam: Why Did We Go? (pdf) and Vietnam: Why Did We Go? (epub)

Fifty Years in the Church of Rome (html) - This is Charles Chiniquy's stunning classic about his fifty years in the Roman Catholic Church, 25 of them as one of their most famous priests in Canada and the United States. He slowly realises that the Roman church is corrupt to its core and leads his people out and into a living relationship with Christ. Revised 30 May 2023. Also as Fifty Years in the Church of Rome (pdf) and Fifty Years in the Church of Rome (epub)

The Catholic Chronicles, Parts 1 to 4 (html) by Keith Green. Topics cover: Eating the Flesh of Deity - What is the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation? Jesus Dies Again - What is the Catholic doctrine of the Sacrifice of the Mass? Salvation According to Rome - What are the Catholic teachings on Salvation and Penance? Has Rome reformed? - What did Vatican II really change? Revised 3rd November 2020. Also as The Catholic Chronicles (pdf) and The Catholic Chronicles (epub)

Papal Idolatry: An Exposure of the Dogma of Transubstantiation and Mariolatry (html) - by C. Chiniquy. Also includes The God of Rome Eaten by a Rat, The Reasons Why We Must Put Our Trust in Jesus Alone and Not Invoke Mary, and The Reasons Why I Will Never Return to the Church of Rome. Revised 1 March 2023. Also as Papal Idolatry (pdf) and Papal Idolatry (epub)

John de Wycliffe, English Father of the Reformers (html) Robert Vaughan's definitive biography of John de Wycliffe (written 1853), who dared to challenge the greed of the Roman Catholic clergy in England, condemning their corruption and sloth. He claimed only scriptural doctrines should be observed, and openly rejected the catholic hierarchy, transubstantiation, etc. Wickliffe also made the first English translation of the Bible in 1383. Revised 31 May 2023. Also as John de Wycliffe (pdf) and John de Wycliffe (epub)

The History of the Inquisition in Spain (html) Juan Antonio Llorente, a Catholic priest and general secretary of the Spanish Inquisition, wrote this definitive account based on the actual records of the 'holy office'. He examines the ruthless corruption of the Inquisitors, who were supported by the rulers of Spain. Revised 7 January 2023. Also as The Spanish Inquisition (pdf) and The Spanish Inquisition (epub)

Deaths from the Spanish Inquisition (spreadsheet) This spreadsheet summarises the information in Llorente's The History of the Inquisition in Spain, making it easy to verify the number of victims from 1481 to 1808. His account is based on the records of the 'holy office'. Released 7 January 2023.

The Vatican in World Politics (html) Avro Manhattan reveals how the Vatican manipulated politics in Europe and North America from the 1890s to 1949, and how the Popes influenced the start of World War 1, and then installed Mussolini, Hitler and Franco in power, thus setting the stage for World War 2. Once it became clear that her Fascists were losing the war, she embraced the USA as her new avenger against Soviet Russia. Restored and released 1st October 2021. Also as The Vatican in World Politics (pdf) and The Vatican in World Politics (epub)

Rome and Education (html) - Chiniquy presents Bible-based Protestant education in glowing terms, but then uses direct quotes from Roman Catholic authorities to prove that their education is intended to convince their followers that they must rely on their priests and the pope to do their thinking for them. Revised 25 January 2023. Also as Rome and Education (pdf) and Rome and Education (epub)

A History of the True Church (html) - Dugger and Dodd's History tracks God's true church from the death of Jesus (Jeshua) through into the twentieth century, showing how Jeshua's disciples preserved His teachings from generation to generation, despite often violent persecution. It also shows how their opponents, led by the Roman 'church', corrupted their own beliefs. Our edition was released 11 October 2020. A History of the True Church (pdf) and A History of the True Church (epub)

Rome's Challenge: Why do Protestants Keep Sunday? (html) - This is a reprint of four articles originally published in the Catholic Mirror over one hundred years ago. The Catholic author shows that there is no scriptural basis for accepting the first day of the week as the Christian Sabbath. They claim that the only basis for the change from the seventh day Sabbath is found in the traditions of their Catholic Church, so if Protestants accept their change in the Day of Worship, they must also accept the authority of the Popes in all things to be consistent. Revised 13th of September 2022. Also as Rome's Challenge (pdf) and Rome's Challenge (epub)

The Vatican Billions (html) Avro Manhattan reveals how the Vatican has lied, cheated and stolen from its followers, rulers, banks and nations to amass wealth from the times of the Caesars until the Space Age. Cunning forgeries were used to convince rulers in the dark and middle ages that St. Peter and Constantine had given the Popes the deed to all nations, even the Americas. Both the Inquisition and Indulgences were used to fill their coffers. The Vatican invested its money in companies making weapons and birth control pills, and was involved in a 1.4 billion dollar investment market swindle. Epub revised 21 Aug 2022. Also as The Vatican Billions (pdf) and The Vatican Billions (epub)

The Light Of Prophecy Let In On The Dark Places Of The Papacy (html) By Alexander Hislop. This is an exposition of 2nd Thessalonians 2:3-12, showing its exact fulfilment in the Church of Rome, with special reference to the aspect of that church in his day. An update is included to bring us to the present day. Epub Revised 8 September 2022. Also as The Light Of Prophecy Let In On The Dark Places Of The Papacy (pdf) and The Light Of Prophecy Let In On The Dark Places Of The Papacy (epub)

Catholic Power Today (html) Avro Manhattan exposes Catholic pressure behind the scenes in Protestant Democratic countries, and what they do as they have increasing control of the country, using Malta, Vietnam and Croatia as examples. The forced conversions, mutilation, and murder of Orthodox Serbs in Croatia show us what to expect once they have full control. Revised 28th August 2021. Also as Catholic Power Today (pdf) and Catholic Power Today (epub)

The New Book of Martyrs, or Christian Martyrology (html) Henry Southwell's Martyrology (1793) is an updated Foxe's Book of Martyrs, presenting a unique record of Christian history which is being erased from secular sources. It reminds us of the price paid by our predecessors in Christ to preserve God's Word and the True Way of Faith. Revised 25 June 2023. Also as The New Book of Martyrs (pdf) and The New Book of Martyrs (epub)

Rome's Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (html) - General T. Harris, a member of military trial commission, presents evidence from the trials of the Surratts which leave no doubt that the Roman Catholic Church's Jesuits organised the assassinations of Lincoln and Seward. He also indicates that the pope encouraged the Confederates to initiate the American Civil War, and intents to take control of the US government. Digital versions released 29 June 2021. Also as Rome's Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (pdf) and Rome's Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (epub)

Forty Years in the Church of Christ (html) - by C. Chiniquy. His summary of the last forty years of his life, dedicated to freeing God's people from bondage in the pagan Church of Rome. New 28th December 2020. Also as Forty Years in the Church of Christ (pdf) and Forty Years in the Church of Christ (epub)

The Red Republic or The Scarlet Coloured Beast of the Apocalypse (html) - Hislop analyses the three beasts of Daniel and Revelation and the Harlot, Mystery of Babylon, and shows the changes in each Beast, and in the Harlot, concentrating on the soon coming final Beast, and how it, in conjunction with the Harlot-the Papacy, will murder Christ's Witnesses. Digital Versions released March 13 2021. Also as The Red Republic (pdf) and The Red Republic (epub)

Dave Hunt's A Woman Rides the Beast provides a reasonably up to date and hard-hitting exposure of the Papacy from a traditional Protestant point of view. It is available offsite from the Internet Archive.

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Predicted and Actual Dates for Jehovah God's Holy Days for 2024

The March 11 New Moon has been sighted throughout Israel, and the barley will be ready for the Wave Sheaf Offering. So this is God's New Year. May it be a year of blessing for all of us. We are now removing the second month details from this year's calculations.

This may be Year 6028 (or 5993) After Creation.

These are the First Month (Spring) and Seventh Month Holy Days for Israel and all regions westward to the International Date Line for 2024:

The First Month New Moon Visibility Number for 2024 is 193 at Jerusalem, and it was easy to see.
Abib 1 begins at dusk on Monday, 11 March and finishes at dusk on Tuesday, 12 March.
The Passover Preparation Day begins at dusk on Sunday, 24 March.
The Last Supper begins after dusk on Sunday, 24 March.
The Passover Sacrifice is offered on the afternoon of Monday, 25 March.
The First Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, a Holy Day, begins at dusk on Monday, 25 March and ends at dusk on Tuesday, 26 March.
The Night of Solemn Observance begins at dusk on Monday, 25 March.
The Wave Offering (the First-fruit) is on the morning of Sunday, 31 March.
The Last Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, a Holy Day, begins at dusk on Sunday, 31 March and ends at dusk on Monday, 1 April.
First-fruits (Pentecost) begins at dusk on Saturday, 18 May and ends at dusk on Sunday, 19 May.

The Seventh Month New Moon Visibility Number for 2024 is 118 at Jerusalem, so if the sky is clear the crescent should be seen in Israel.
The Day of Shouting begins at dusk on Wednesday, 4 September and ends at dusk on Thursday, 5 September.
The Day of Atonement begins at dusk on Friday, 13 September and ends at dusk on Saturday, 14 September.
The First Day of the Feast of Booths (Ingathering), a Holy Day, begins at dusk on Wednesday, 18 September and ends at dusk on Thursday, 19 September.
The Last Day of the Feast of Booths (Ingathering), begins at dusk on Tuesday, 24 September and ends at dusk on Wednesday, 25 September.
The Last Great Day begins at dusk on Wednesday, 25 September and ends at dusk on Thursday, 26 September.

The following Holy Day dates for 2024 are corrected (delayed one day) for the region east of Israel and west of the International Date Line.

The First Month New Moon Visibility Number for 2024 is 193 at Jerusalem, and it was easy to see.
Abib 1 begins at dusk on Tuesday, 12 March and finishes at dusk on Wednesday, 13 March.
The Passover Preparation Day begins at dusk on Monday, 25 March.
The Last Supper begins after dusk on Monday, 25 March.
The Passover Sacrifice is offered on the afternoon of Tuesday, 26 March.
The First Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, a Holy Day, begins at dusk on Tuesday, 26 March and ends at dusk on Wednesday, 27 March.
The Night of Solemn Observance begins at dusk on Tuesday, 26 March.
The Wave Offering (the First-fruit) is on the morning of Monday, 1 April.
The Last Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, a Holy Day, begins at dusk on Monday, 1 April and ends at dusk on Tuesday, 2 April.
First-fruits (Pentecost) begins at dusk on Sunday, 19 May and ends at dusk on Monday, 20 May.

The Seventh Month New Moon Visibility Number for 2024 is 118 at Jerusalem, so if the sky is clear the crescent should be seen in Israel.
The Day of Shouting begins at dusk on Thursday, 5 September and ends at dusk on Friday, 6 September.
The Day of Atonement begins at dusk on Saturday, 14 September and ends at dusk on Sunday, 15 September.
The First Day of the Feast of Booths (Ingathering), a Holy Day, begins at dusk on Thursday, 19 September and ends at dusk on Friday, 20 September.
The Last Day of the Feast of Booths (Ingathering), begins at dusk on Wednesday, 25 September and ends at dusk on Thursday, 26 September.
The Last Great Day begins at dusk on Thursday, 26 September and ends at dusk on Friday, 27 September.

Biblical Days run from dusk one evening until dusk the next evening.
The Day of Shouting is sometimes called the Day of Trumpets and the Feast of Booths is sometimes called the Feast of Tabernacles.
These predictions are made with our Calculated Biblical Calendar software, available on this website.
We will confirm these dates as the Abib Barley and respective New Moons are seen.

These links provide the above Calendar information as separate files that can be saved or printed:
Actual/Predicted Dates for God's Holy Days for 2024 (html) and God's Holy Days for 2024 (pdf) and God's Holy Days for 2024 (epub)

And Tables of the probable calculated dates for God's Annual Sabbaths from 2019 to 2038 can be accessed here:

God's Holy Days Table (html) Also as God's Holy Days Table (pdf) and God's Holy Days Table (epub)

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The Annual Holy Day Services

Jehovah God's Annual High Sabbaths outline His Plan of Salvation, showing how His Son Jeshua the Messiah died for our sins, was resurrected and taken to Heaven, how we are to walk in righteousness with the indwelling of God's Holy Spirit, and how Jeshua will give us everlasting life, and is returning to rule this earth for One Thousand Years. After that, everyone will be judged and God's magnificent City of Peace will come to earth. Each service has the New Covenant passages translated from the Aramaic Peshitta embedded in it.

Last Supper Service (html) Jeshua has his final supper with his disciples. He washes their feet and offers them bread and wine before they go to the garden to pray, where he is arrested by the Judaic priests and Pharisees. It is held on the evening beginning the Passover preparation day. Revised 10 April 2023. Also as Last Supper Service (pdf) and Last Supper Service (epub)

Night of Solemn Observance Service (htm) Jeshua is taken by the Priests and condemned to death by Pontius Pilate. Jeshua is whipped, impaled on a post and dies in agony. This night, marking the beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread is His memorial. Revised 19 April 2022. Also as Night of Solemn Observance Service (pdf) and Night of Solemn Observance Service (epub)

Unleavened Bread First Day Service (htm) Jeshua is in the tomb. But by His death, we have also died to sin. The week of Unleavened bread symbolises our new life free from sin that we are learning to walk in. This Service is held on the first day of the Week of Unleavened Bread. Revised 27 March 2024. Also as Unleavened Bread First Day Service (pdf) and Unleavened Bread First Day Service (epub)

Unleavened Bread Weekly Sabbath Service (htm) As we continue through the Week of Unleavened Bread, we meditate on how Jeshua lived, and learn to walk as He walked. This service is on the normal seventh-day Sabbath that occurs during UB. Revised 14 April 2023. Also as Unleavened Bread Weekly Sabbath Service (pdf) and Unleavened Bread Weekly Sabbath Service (epub)

Wave Sheaf Offering Service (htm) A sheaf of barley, representing the resurrected Jeshua is waved on the first day after the Sabbath during the Week of Unleavened Bread, symbolising His return to Heaven. Revised 14 April 2023. Also as Wave Sheaf Offering Service (pdf) and Wave Sheaf Offering Service (epub)

Unleavened Bread Final Great Day Service (htm) The last day of Unleavened Bread commemorates the crossing of the Soph (Red) Sea, and thus Israel's freedom from slavery to the Egyptians. It symbolises our freedom from sin and Satan through the death and resurrection of Jeshua. Revised 2 April 2024. Also as Unleavened Bread Final Day Service (pdf) and Unleavened Bread Final Day Service (epub)

Pentecost Service (htm) Pentecost, also called Feast of Weeks, is a celebration of the Holy Spirit being given to Jeshua's disciples, symbolised by the wheat harvest and two loaves of bread. It may also be when our Messiah Jeshua returns to glorify His followers and begins setting up God's Millennial Kingdom on the Earth. It is held 50 days after the Wave Offering. Revised 3 April 2024. Also as Pentecost Service (pdf) and Pentecost Service (epub)

Day of Shouting Service (html) Shouting, sometimes called the Day of Trumpets, will be the day of the great Battle at Megiddo (Armageddon) between all the armies of earth's anti-God governments and Jeshua with His followers, both spiritual envoys (angels) and transformed humans. Revised 7 April 2024. Also as Day of Shouting Service (pdf) and Day of Shouting Service (epub)

Days of Awe Sabbath Service (html) These are the days between Shouting and Atonement, during which the people of the world realise that Jeshua is indeed the ruler of earth, and begin considering what that means for them. This service is held on the weekly Sabbath. Revised 9 April 2024. Also as Days of Awe Sabbath Service pdf and Days of Awe Sabbath Service (epub)

Atonement Service (html) Atonement follows the war when Jeshua takes control of the entire world. It is a day of sincere repentance and reconnecting with Jehovah God. It is also the day that Satan will be judged for his crimes and imprisoned. Revised 9 April 2024. Also as Atonement Service pdf and Atonement Service (epub)

First Great Day of the Feast of Booths Service (htm) This Feast celebrates the liberation and regathering of God's people and the restoration of the Earth, marking the full beginning of the Millennium of Peace. It is also known as the Feast of Ingathering and Tabernacles. Revised 13 April 2024. Also as First Great Day of the Feast of Booths Service (pdf) and First Great Day of the Feast of Booths Service (epub)

Feast of Booths Weekly Sabbath Service (htm) The Millennium is the time between when we are freed from slavery to Satan and when we fully inherit the everlasting Kingdom of God. Today, we will look at what life will be like during that period of healing and Peace. Revised 13 April 2024. Also as Feast of Booths Weekly Sabbath Service (pdf) and Feast of Booths Weekly Sabbath Service (epub)

Last Great Day Service (html) The Last Great Day is when Satan is released at the end of the Millennium and then cast into the Lake of Fire, and the rest of mankind is judged by God before the White Throne. Then the heavens and earth are renewed and God's New Jerusalem is brought down for us to live in with Jehovah and Jeshua forever. Revised 14 April 2024. Also as Last Great Day Service (pdf) and Last Great Day Service (epub)

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Calculated Biblical Calendar for Windows

Calculates the dates of God's Annual Holy Days, the Crucifixion/Impalement, the Great Flood, Creation and Jordon Crossing, using the Biblical lunar/solar calendar. The program has an option which allows you to test the visibility formula by looking for the crescent New Moon (young moon) locally. The software also calculates sunset, sunrise, moonset, moonrise, etc for any location on earth. Other calculations include the Rabbinical Jewish calendar, Easter and a comprehensive Calendar Converter.

This is a version released 18/6/2016 which will allows calculation of the early Abib 1 in 2016, and for other similar years. However, we now are updating it again due to the even earlier start to the 2019 Holy Days.

Installation requires the Zip file to be extracted to a temporary folder. Then run the setup.exe file to perform the installation. Security settings on some computers may require the zip file to be unblocked before it can be installed. This is done by right-clicking the zip file and selecting 'unblock'. If updating, uninstall the earlier version first.

Calculated Biblical Calendar for Windows Ver 10.42

Visible New Moon
Photo by Bruce Armstrong

Radiocarbon Dating

Shows the effect of changes in our geomagnetic field and radiocarbon/carbon ratios on radioactive carbon datings. A new version will be available soonish...

Online Bible for Windows

Online Bible for Windows is a high quality Bible Search and Study program which is produced by Larry Pierce of Canada on a Freeware Basis. It can also be purchased, at minimal cost, on DVD or the most popular sections of the program can be downloaded from Online Bible Ministries at http://www.OnlineBible.net. Modules available for downloading include the Authorised King James version bible text, Strong's Lexicon, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Online Bible Topics, the Greek Textus Receptus and the Hebrew Biblia Hebraica.

The Online Bible for Smartphones and the Online Bible for Apple are also available.

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Library Service

A wide range of Christian books, CDs, DVDs and Blu-rays are available for loan within Australia.

Please contact us if you wish to use this service.

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Other Recommended Christian Sites

Center for Scientific Creation - This website is built around Walt Brown's excellent book In the Beginning Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood The ninth edition of his book can be downloaded here, which contains his Hydroplate Theory, an extensive and plausible theory of the Flood in Noah's time.

Abib of God/Elohim - Brian Convery's website, which has great information on Abib searches, Holy Days and Christian living.

Truth on the Web - Brian Hoeck's site has many useful resources, including links to online Bibles, books and software.

Answering Islam - This British website helps Christians understand the Moslem religion and also helps Moslems to get a clearer knowledge of Christianity. The site challenges the deceptions of Islam and responds to their distortions of Christianity. Though they are classic Protestants, most of their material is excellent.

Does Seventh-Day Adventism Honour the Bible? - This site maintains documents which clearly show that SDA in general, and Ellen White in particular, contradict Biblical Truth. Essential reading for all SDA's.

Christian Biblical Church of God - Has many useful and accurate resources. However, they do use the Judaic Calendar.

Steve Bruns Home Page - Steve provides access to many interesting articles, including God's Holy Days and Calendar.

United Church of God homepage - Site contains the full text of several excellent booklets and numerous articles from their "Good News" magazine.

Answers in Genesis Presents material supporting Biblical Creation. This site has an area where answers to current topics on the Creation/Evolution debate are posted (Note:This is not a Sabbatarian site and is pro-GMO.)

Institute of Creation Research Similar to AIG website but includes many excellent research articles.

The International Dateline Dilemma by Dan Love. Similar to our conclusions on the IDL.

The Meridian Date - Jewish Encyclopedia reference to the IDL.

WHERE IS GOD'S INTERNATIONAL DATELINE? by Richard Fix. Different way of getting there, but also similar to our conclusions on the IDL.

A Traveler's Guide To The International Dateline Rabbi Dovid Heber. A Judaic summary of their most common positions on the IDL.

The Moedim of Yahweh New Covenant Church of God- Messianic church which places the IDL east of Jerusalem.

Once again, more coming soon.

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Thanks to Jesus Christ (Jeshua the Anointed) and His Father Jehovah. With them helping anything is possible.
Thanks to my son Tim, who has helped me set up this WEB site.

Thanks to Cyberlink Access Systems for graciously allowing us to set up this Page on their system.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please address them to:

PO Box 236 Creswick VIC 3363 Australia
Email Bruce Armstrong at info@chcpublications.net
Website: https://chcpublications.net

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About Us

Central Highlands Christian Publications is the publishing arm of the Central Highlands Congregation of God, based near Creswick, Victoria, Australia.
This website provides free access to Biblical articles, Calendric, Radiocarbon Dating and Astronomical software.

Features are Bible Studies on Creation, Salvation, Walking with God, God's Name, Jeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), Prophecy, the Sabbath, Annual Holy Days, Biblical Calendar, History of Christianity and numerous other topics.

Links to the Online Bible for Windows software and other Christian sites are included.

Our Statement of Beliefs is in our Biblical Christianity folder.

All these articles can be read or printed immediately while still online, or can be saved as files on your computer/device and studied later. Use the File, Save option of your browser to do this. We recommend Foxit Reader for reading our PDF files and Calibre for the epubs.

This site is always under construction. If an article you particularly want is missing, send an email and inspire me to hurry it up a bit. - Bruce

We have created HTML, PDF and Ebook versions of most of our articles which were only in HTML or PDF format. The PDF format works well for articles with numerous images, on computer monitors and for printing.

We hope and pray that the material on this website is a blessing to you.

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Replaced old HTM and pdf file:
Animals in the Bible: Are They Intelligent and Relational Beings?
The Age of the Earth (html)
Atonement Service
Beliefs of the Central Highlands Congregation of God
Beliefs of the Central Highlands Congregation of God (htm)
Catholic Chronicle I: Eating the Flesh of Deity by Keith Green
Catholic Chronicle II: Jesus Dies Again by Keith Green
Catholic Chronicle III: Salvation According to Rome by Keith Green
Catholic Chronicle IV: What did Vatican II really change? by Keith Green
The Catholic Chronicles, Parts 1 to 4
Communication with the Dead - Truth or Dangerous Fantasy?
Days of Awe Sabbath Service
The Daystar's Fall and the Age of the Earth
Dinosaurs and Their Creator
Dinosaurs and Their Creator
Dinosaurs and Their Creator (pdf)
Eastern Meditation and Jesus Christ: Are They Compatible?
Eastern Meditation and Jesus Christ: Are They Compatible?
Eastern Meditation and Jesus Christ: Are They Compatible?
The Origin and History of the Doctrine of Endless Punishment (html)
Christian Environmental Ethics
Christian Environmental Ethics
Christian Environmental Ethics
Everlasting Life is God's Gift
Everlasting Life is God's Gift!
Free to Obey God
Genetics: Enemy of Evolution (html)
Scientific, Ethical and Biblical Considerations of Genetic Engineering (html)
God's Calendar and the Sign of Jonah
God's Calendar and the Sign of Jonah (pdf) Printable version)
What is God's Name?
The Heart of God's Character and God's Instructions
The Holy Bible CHCoG Version
God's Holy Days for Christians
God's Holy Days for Christians
Homosexuality (html)
God's Date Line and Israel
The International Date Line and God's Sabbaths
The International Date Line and God's Sabbaths Expanded (pdf)
The International Date Line and God's Sabbaths Expanded (pdf)
Last Great Day Service (htm)
Will the Earth be Desolate during the Millennium?
Will the Earth be Desolate (pdf)
Jeshua Son of God
Jeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) - Is He the Son of God or Part of a Trinity?
The Gift of Salvation
The Gift of Salvation
Radiocarbon Dating (html)
Rome's Challenge
Rome's Challenge: Why do Protestants Keep Sunday?
The Sabbath in Scripture
The Sabbath in Scripture
Sex, God and Families
Sex, God and Families (pdf)
Sex, God and Families (pdf)
To Mount Sinai and God's Instructions (pdf)
Spirit, Soul and Body
Spirit, Soul and Body
Rudolf Steiner - Is he God's prophet?
The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments
How to End the Terrorist Attacks
Tongues and the Gifts of God
Day of Shouting Service (htm)
Day of Shouting Service (pdf)
Day of Shouting Service (epub)
The Two Babylons (pdf)
Clean and Unclean Animals from a Christian Perspective
Unleavened Bread Final Great Day Service (epub))